You have a fresh install of Volumio, and you just started the Raspberry Pi.

0// Requirement

Find the IP address of Volumio with Avanced IP Scanner :

1// enable ssh and click on “ENABLE” SSH

2// connect to the raspberry pi


password: volumio

3// update and install

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && reboot
sudo apt-get install keyboard-configuration

4// Touchscreen

And now you can install the Touchscreen plugin without any problem.

5// And if…

your screen is upside down. In ssh mode, just open the /boot/config.txt

and modify or add these line lcd_rotate=2, and reboot


6// Synology path

Additionnal info: to connect a synology share, with NFS protocol, you must add the “/volume1” in the path => /volume1/music

If you use CIFS protocol, no need to show volume1, just the name of the shares => music

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