asus notebook X102B & Ubuntu 14.04

Ubuntu 14.04 installer doesn’t show existing partitions

Ubuntu ne détecte pas la partition de Windows 7

Opening terminal and running the command

$ sudo -s
# gdisk -l /dev/sda

Indicated that you have both MBR and GPT tables present. This happened because you had originally Windows 8 pre-installed on my computer. Windows 8 uses GPT scheme. You installed windows 7 over it. Windows 7 is using MBR and finally your disk end up being MBR with some stray GPT data on it.

This is a known problem and can be fixed using FixParts

fixparts /dev/sda

The program will detect the problem automatically and propose solution.

The program is readily available within Ubuntu 14.04 live usb.

source :

black screen after installation

passer en terminal (ctrl-alt-F1)

$ sudo -s
# apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get -y dist-upgrade && reboot

Compléments à l’installation de 14.04

install flash, java, vlc, restricted extras,unzip,…

$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras flashplugin-installer vlc rar icedtea-7-plugin openjdk-7-jre libavcodec-extra libdvdread4 indicator-cpufreq zip unzip && sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/

Disable shopping suggestions & Amazon

# gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Lenses disabled-scopes "['more_suggestions-amazon.scope', 'more_suggestions-u1ms.scope', 'more_suggestions-populartracks.scope', 'music-musicstore.scope', 'more_suggestions-ebay.scope', 'more_suggestions-ubuntushop.scope', 'more_suggestions-skimlinks.scope']"
$ sudo apt-get remove unity-webapps-common

ajouter My Weather Indicator

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install my-weather-indicator


# echo "Cleaning Up" && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get -y autoclean && sudo apt-get -y clean

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