Migrate WordPress DataBase with SRDB or DBSR (like)

Hello, when you migrate a website under wordpress it is necessary to modify all the paths in the database. Example : localhost/mysite becomes https://mybeautifulwebsite.io There are 2 tools for this. The first, SRDB (for Search & Replace in DataBase) is quite effective but sometimes generates some errors on large sites. This is why I prefer … Lire plus

Joomla, Joomfish et Falang

Migration de Joomfish 2.1.7 2.2.3 (Joomla 1.5.26) vers FaLang (Joomla 3.x) A) Joomla 1.5 A1) Backup Exécuter un backup (avec Akeeba Backup) A2) SP upgrade : migration de Joomla 1.5.26 vers Joomla 3.x (Pour une migration sans soucis, privilégier le composant SP Upgrade) Installer dans un sous-répertoire une nouvelle version de Joomla 3.x (sans les … Lire plus