Helios 4 & Helios 64 by KoBoL {notes}

HELIOS 64 1// after atrieslot of diffèrentvrsion, this aonceppears to be stable. So use it for the base system. e download this version of 2/ iburneon a sd wiCar Rufus 3//insert card in Helios 64 and boot fixe ip addreess with armbian-config 4Update sudo apt update && apot-dist-upgrade -y 4 connectewith picocom dth t 5 … Lire plus

Mining with my Raspberry Pi

First, update the Raspberry Pi You can mining crypto (Monero) with juste one command Command lienfor Windows And done ! The Raspberry Pi is Mining ! And now you can see the CPU is at 100%. Thank you to NetworkChuck. Command to install PironMan’s screen If you have the PironMan case for Raspberry Pi 4. … Lire plus

Akeeba Extract Wizard for .jpa file (last version)

I’m tired of searching for the latest version of the program “Akeeba Extract Wizard”, which is no longer supported by Akeeba (and is no longer available either). When I have to extract old websites, whose backup was made with Akeeba. Files extensions are .jpa, j01, j02 etc. You will find below the latest version of … Lire plus

Change NTP on Windows Server

Problem Since Windows Server 2016 until now, with Windows Server 2022: if you want to change Time Server, you will see that the area is grayed out … Solution The solution is to inject the new Time server (with command line): Open the command line (depends on the operating system used) Click Start > Windows … Lire plus

DELTHUMBS {© Pierre Torris}

Voici l’application DelThumbs (Delete Thumb) de Pierre Torris. Merci à lui. Le lien de téléchargement se situe en fin d’article. Programme introuvable sur internet et fonctionnant toujours très bien (Test ok sur un serveur Windows 2022 et sur Windows 11). Description DelThumbs permet de détruire les fichiers Thumbs censés accélérer l’affichage des vignettes dans l’explorateur … Lire plus

OSMC & KODI: error insufficient space

In OSMC, sometimes the SD card is full. To find the largest file, first connect to OSMC with SSH ssh omsc@ (your ip address) – password: osmc Maybe your home folder is too big. You can narrow it down with: and if .kodi seems to be using the space: forest image from jplenio (pixabay)

Migrate WordPress DataBase with SRDB or DBSR (like)

Hello, when you migrate a website under wordpress it is necessary to modify all the paths in the database. Example : localhost/mysite becomes https://mybeautifulwebsite.io There are 2 tools for this. The first, SRDB (for Search & Replace in DataBase) is quite effective but sometimes generates some errors on large sites. This is why I prefer … Lire plus

Synology – fix service accueil désactivé

Si vous rencontrez l’erreur suivante “Le service Accueil utilisateur est actuellement désactivé“ Allez dans panneau de configuration > Utilisateur > Avancé et activez le service d’accueil de l’utilisateur. Et voilà. Si vous utilisez un domaine, par exemple un Active Directory, allez dans Panneau de configuration > Domaine/LDAP > Utilisateur du domaine > Accueil utilisateur et … Lire plus

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